
Grumman Hill Montessori

Wilton, Connecticut

Understanding the Impact of a New Building

Step One – Vision: This school wanted to offer students the Montessori educational experience all the way through to eighth grade. At the time, it went from pre-K to sixth grade. The expansion would also allow Grumman Hill to consolidate its off-site spaces.

Step Two - Their Current Facility: Our close analysis of the existing building, a former public elementary school, outlined the square feet in each space and then provided the total area according to function.

Step Three - Their New Facility: Working closely with senior staff, we outlined the functions and size of spaces required in the new building.

Step Four – The Right Resolution: The program for the new building increasing the size from 38,000 square feet to 54,000 square feet. However neighborhood residents were wary about the extra traffic the larger school would generate. We hired a traffic engineer to study the current and expected amount of traffic at both peak times and throughout the day. Unfortunately, school’s business manager prematurely introduced what the school was contemplating at a town meeting. The negative reaction from both the town and residents could not be changed by later explanations and the project did not go forward.